Latham Chapter #168, Royal Arch Masons, is a men’s fraternal organization in New York’s Capital Region. Some of the most engaged Freemasons from different Masonic lodges all around the area come together in Latham to participate in our chapter. Our members have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and friendships in Freemasonry. We confer four high degrees—primarily derived from early American, English, Scottish, and Irish traditions—which offer a conclusion to the allegory of Freemasonry. The Holy Royal Arch may be considered a part of the York Rite, but Latham is a standalone chapter that permits but does not expect its members to join any further appendant bodies. We have no religious test beyond that required by the lodge. We are chartered by the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, Royal Arch Masons.
We meet on the first Wednesday of most months at the Latham Masonic Temple. If you are not a member, you may wish to join.